Friday, September 20, 2013


I'm super excited today because I have a very important package coming in the mail! Can't wait until I get to open it. AND I'm planning on filming my first youtube video tonight (hopefully). YAY! stay tuned for pictures and follow me on instagram @hilary0515 for even more makeup-y things.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Hair Care from Sallys

Alright guys, I was trying to save a little cash at the time so I picked up a few things at Sally's because I was in desperate need of a leave in and a heat protectant and when I walked into Sally's there was some kind of special when you bought two one was free or something like that. So here is what I think of these Beyond the Zone products. 

Smooth Criminal - Hair Primer
This product doesn't say directly that it is a leave in but it was pretty clear by the description. It says "Creates the perfect foundation for styling by detangling, smoothing the hair shaft, taming frizz and providing thermal protection from dryers and styling tools." 
I have to say I really like this product, I can definitely tell the difference in my hair both after I started using it and it becomes immediately apparent when you put it on your towel dried hair. I would say go for it. It retails for $6.29 when you have a BCC (beauty club card).

Turn Up The Heat - Heat Protection Serum
It's pretty straight  forward, just a serum with heat protection. I'm not really my favorite serum and some days I skip it and use the Silkening Gloss from Kenra when I get to work, so I would say pass unless you just need a cheap serum. It retails for $6.79 with your BCC.

Rock On - Volumizing Powder
This was just an extra that I picked up because of the deal and I wanted to compare it to the Big Sexy equivalent. It does work, but it feels gross in your hair because it adds texture to give you the volume. I like it and its nice to be able to "fluff" your hair throughout the day to add more volume. It retails for $6.79 with your BCC.

Monday, August 26, 2013

I know it has been forever!

I know I said I would post before but 50 million things seemed to happen all at one including my husband deploying and having to order a new charger for my mac book because mine mysteriously disappeared. But, I have regained control of my life now and things are really looking up, I have had some new opportunities open up and I can truly say I am happy, the only thing that would make it better were if my husband were home. I love you babe! I have some posts to work on for you guys and I promise this time you will be hearing from me soon.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Long Time No Post

Sorry for the delay in my post but I have been tring out some new products and I want to be able to give a nice review. So until next time, which will be soon, have a beautiful day.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Beauty Blogger Official!

Well guys I finally did it! I have everything up, running and linked! I think it's safe to say I'm an official beauty blogger, obviously I don't have many followers but you have to start somewhere right? I even set up a youtube channel so I can start making videos and I played around with iMovie today to figure out the basics on how to get my videos edited. I'm so excited that I am finally at a point in my life where I can do all of these things and just hope that the public is accepting. I'm sure I will have people asking me why I'm doing this or telling me it is a waste of time, but it is something I am passionate about and enjoy doing. So here goes nothing. When I make a video and get it posted I will share it on here and my social media sites. I don't have a Facebook as of now because I decided to keep that private  as I keep in touch with my family and friends and post personal things on there. If any veterans are reading this and have any tips I would really appreciate them. Have a beautiful day guys and follow me on Instagram and Twitter @hilary0515 for both.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sad Day

I'm just a little upset today because I reached pan on a couple of my favorite products. Yes, that is my newer NYX Stay Matte Not Flat Powder Foundation. That is because I absolutely love that stuff. It isn't cakey and it really does keep me matte all day. The other product is a Smashbox palette that I have had for a while but it is definately one of my go to palettes. I got it in a box set from Ulta a couple of years ago so I'm not really sure if they even make it anymore but the colors are beautiful. I hope that your cosmetics are never ending. Have a beautiful day.

Monday, July 22, 2013


I'm so excited about this you guys. I got this MAC/Sigma knock off set on ebay for only $11!  I ordered it because of the price and I figured if they totally sucked it wouldn't bee a big deal because they were so stinking cheap. Let's just say I'm amazed at the quality. They are super-duper soft and honestly look and feel like professional brushes. They have MAC markings and numbers on them which I obviously know are fake. I am going to look at MAC and see if the numbers on my knock off brushes match up with the real deal. Like I said I'm definitely surprised at the quality and so happy about my purchase. I would check it out if you are like me and on a budget. Have a good day guys.

Second HUGE Summer Giveaway (Summer Must Haves)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New Phone

I'm so excited I finally upgraded my phone so I can finally be civilized again. It's so nice to be able to blog from where ever I am now. I'm getting my NYX update ready for you guys and waiting on a few things to arrive as well, one being my paycheck... Until next time.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


It's finally here! I received my package!

I was so excited, I feel like I waited forever for this little box to get here. I definitely grabbed my knife quick to get it open and I was surprised how nicely it was wrapped and packaged. 

The unboxing:

I picked up a few things to try out for you guys and they are:
Stay Matte But Not Flat Liquid Foundation & Powder Foundation

Eye Liners in PearlWhite and Grey
Lip Pencil in Rose

Eye Shadow Single in My Favorite Color (that is really the name)
Blush in Pinched

Incredible Waterproof Concealer Stick
Above & Beyond Full Coverage Concealer Pots in Green & Orange

I'm still testing out the products BUT I will post something about them in the near future.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


ugh! My order is taking forever! that's the bad thing about living in Kansas, I can't just go to my local Ulta or Sephora and pick up a few things because the closest one is two hours away. Sad Face. So in turn I have to order most everything online and if I choose the free shipping option, which I always do, it takes entirely too long to get to me! Ok, rant over but I really want my new stuff!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Proper Introduction

Hi guys, I'm not sure if anybody even knows about this blog but I thought I would just let everyone know why I am doing this and all those good things.

About Me
First off, my name is Hilary and I am an Army wife and mom to a beautiful one year old baby girl. My husband is currently stationed in Kansas, I live her too, and is getting ready for his first deployment. I work at a salon as a receptionist and do makeup there.

How I Got Started
I got started really getting interested in makeup in high school and once I graduated I started a job at Ulta. When I started working there my passion just blossomed. Now I'm an aspiring makeup artist trying to go to school and get my certification to truly become a professional.

I know I have said this before but this is what I am the most passionate about and I'm really hoping that everything eventually works out. I have high hopes for myself and my blog so heres to the future! Can't wait to share my progress with all of you guys.

Oh Man...

I have decided on my next purchase, just need to save a little more because it is quite a large chunk of change. Stay tuned for more...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Beauty Blogging

Obviously this is something I really want to be doing, but holy jeeze is it expensive. and I'm trying to figure out vlogging. I would really like to star making videos once I start building my makeup collection but I honestly have no idea how to edit videos. I'm definitely not the most tech savvy person, but I have seen worse. I will do this, I'm going to figure everything out and be fabulous like I know I am. I just have all of this knowledge and passion that I want to share with everyone who is willing to listen. Well there is my little spiel for the day. I did order some new products to try out for myself and when they come in I will definitely share, I'm pretty excited!!!

Monday, June 10, 2013

What A Day

Today my mind has been racing in fifty million different directions. My husband is so close to being gone from months on end and my job is starting to take its toll. I absolutely love working at the salon but jeeze child care is almost my whole check. Then I feel like my daughter is getting cheated because she is already going to miss out on seeing her dad for a year and I barely ever see her as it is. Here I am just trying to make everything balance. should I quit my job and try to finally go to makeup school locally? Or stick with my job take a vacation to go to CMC in Dallas? This road might be a little more bumpy than I thought.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


I signed up for Ipsy, I figured it would be a nice way to add products to my kit (which I'm trying to build) and keep a few things for myself. I'm just bummed that I was wait listed. Can't wait to get my first bag!

I'm finally off the waiting list and will start receiving my first bag in July! I'm super excited!

And We're Off...

Well... Here goes nothing. I have finally decided to follow my heart and set out to become a professional makeup artist. How exactly am I going to do this? I have no idea! This should be interesting. I'm currently in the process of trying to find a class that fits my needs, and let me just say that being an Army wife, mom and working full time is not making this easy by any means, but I am determined to work it out and get it done. Stay tuned for this journey, no road map included.