Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Beauty Blogger Official!

Well guys I finally did it! I have everything up, running and linked! I think it's safe to say I'm an official beauty blogger, obviously I don't have many followers but you have to start somewhere right? I even set up a youtube channel so I can start making videos and I played around with iMovie today to figure out the basics on how to get my videos edited. I'm so excited that I am finally at a point in my life where I can do all of these things and just hope that the public is accepting. I'm sure I will have people asking me why I'm doing this or telling me it is a waste of time, but it is something I am passionate about and enjoy doing. So here goes nothing. When I make a video and get it posted I will share it on here and my social media sites. I don't have a Facebook as of now because I decided to keep that private  as I keep in touch with my family and friends and post personal things on there. If any veterans are reading this and have any tips I would really appreciate them. Have a beautiful day guys and follow me on Instagram and Twitter @hilary0515 for both.

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